Since 2021, our 3R-Center Tübingen has collaborated with our partners in the 3R Network Baden-Württemberg, CAAT-Europe at the University of Konstanz, and the 3R-Center Rhein-Neckar to organize and host the collaborative 3R Webinar Series “#Talking3RScience“.
The topics covered in each event center around the 3R principle, emphasizing the Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement of animal testing in biomedical and pharmaceutical research. Together with the audience, the topics are examined and discussed from different perspectives and in different setups (e. g. tandem lectures or round table panel discussions) in an interactive dialogue. The 20-30 minute presentations by renowned experts in the respective field serve as a kind of thought-provoking impulse for the subsequent interactive discussion together with the audience. In addition to interested scientists, we explicitly invite individuals and decision-makers with prior scientific knowledge from politics, regulatory authorities, industry, or ethics committees to participate in the interactive discussion panels.
The #Talking3RScience 3R Webinar occurs monthly on the last Thursday of each month, from 5 to 6 pm.
Registration (free of charge) is possible directly here via our event calendar.