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MPS Core Facility

Microphysiological Systems

Microphysiological systems (MPS) are innovative, miniaturized in vitro models that replicate the structure and function of human organs. These systems recapitulate the smallest functional units of the respective organ by exposing cells within the tissue composite to a microenvironment that closely approximates the native situation in the human body as accurately as possible. In this way, complex human biological mechanisms and processes can be modeled, allowing for the investigation of (patho)physiological conditions and the evaluation of the effects of different stimuli (pathogens, therapeutics, chemicals, environmental toxins).

The MPS technology encompasses various model types, specifically organ-on-chip and organoid approaches. Organ-on-chip models combine concepts from cell biology, microfluidics, and bioengineering, and are characterized by miniaturized tissues with blood vessel-like perfusion.

MPS Core Facility at the 3R-Center Tübingen

In addition to a wide, consolidated infrastructure, users have access to professional support from trained personnel in the core facility. They will accompany and assist you closely from planning and execution to the evaluation of your study.

Available Models

Based on established and commercially available systems, we offer a variety of different models, including:

  • Lung-on-Chip
  • Gut-on-Chip
  • Vasculature-on-Chip
  • Kidney-on-Chip
  • Liver-on-Chip
  • Heart-on-Chip
  • Retina-on-Chip
  • Additional models tailored to your requirements

Possible Applicatiopns

Possible research questions include:

  • Mechanistic biomedical Research
  • Personalized Medicine
  • Disease Modelling
  • Testing of therapeutic approaches
  • Drug Delivery Monitoring
  • Toxicological Research

Consultation on complex tissue models

We provide support starting from the application phase, assisting you in identifying the optimal model system for your research needs.

Are you interested in utilizing the services of the Core Facility at the 3R-Center in Tübingen?

We are happy to offer you free and personalized consultation. Feel free to send us an inquiry via the following link, and we will get back to you promptly.

We look forward to receiving your inquiry!

Do you have questions about the available models, potential application fields, or the use of the Core Facility?