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3R-Organizations International

3R-Initiatives International

On this page we introduce you to national and international 3R-organizations, societies and networks with which we at the 3R-Center Tübingen are in close contact and exchange. Learn more about their work and the joint efforts to sustainably replace, reduce and refine animal testing wherever possible.

Federal Network 3Rs

More synergies for 3R research

The Federal Network 3Rs is an initiative launched in 2022 by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It acts as a central networking initiative for 3R research and application in Germany. The focus is on inter- and transdisciplinary dialog between science, industry, politics, administration and interest groups. The mission of this network is to serve as an initiator of exchange and encounters between different disciplines and stakeholders. The aim is to build a strong community that works together to advance 3R research and successfully transfer its results into practice in Germany.

EUROoCS – European Organ-on-Chip Society

European Organ-on-Chip Society

The European Organ-on-Chip Society (EUROoCS) is an independent, non-profit organization founded with the aim of promoting Organ-on-Chip (OoC) research and creating opportunities for the exchange and development of knowledge and expertise in this field. Among others, EUROoCS organizes the EUROoCS Annual Conference series and, in cooperation with the 3R-Center Tübingen, the EUROoCS Academy and the OoC Summer School.


3RSchulungsplattform für Methodische Ansätze zur Reduktion von Tierversuchen (3R-Training Platform for Methodological Approaches to Reduce Animal Testing)

3R-SMART is an information and training platform funded by the BMBF. It focuses on alternative and complementary methods to animal testing, catering to both interested laypersons and professionals, including scientists and technical staff. The acronym 3R-SMART stands for “3R-Schulungsplattform für Methodische Ansätze zur Reduktion von Tierversuchen” (English: “3R-Training Platform for Methodological Approaches to Reduce Animal Testing”).

With this Open Access training platform and a discussion forum, the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover and the Philipps University of Marburg want to support joint 3R research activities and to increase their visibility. In the future, it is planned that an extended range of services will also be available, which will also include taking examinations in all aspects of the 3Rs.

R2N – Replace and Reduce from Lower Saxony

Alternative methods to replace or reduce animal models in biomedical research

The R2N Micro-Replace Systems Group from Lower Saxony consists of 12 working groups from three institutions in the Lower Saxony research landscape. Ten biomedical research groups are developing complex microphysiological systems as alternatives to animal models for basic research in the field of infection and inflammation of the digestive and respiratory tract. An accompanying project provides the consortium with mono- and multiclonal antibodies produced without animal testing; another accompanying project compiles statistics for the cross-laboratory validation of the systems.

3R Competence Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)

Medical progress in harmony with the best possible animal welfare

Eight medical faculties at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia have joined forces to form the 3R Competence Network NRW. In line with the “3R principle”, the network aims to facilitate (bio)medical progress in NRW in harmony with the best animal welfare and to specifically promote research, innovation and training in this field.


Norway’s National Consensus Platform for the advancement of the 3Rs

Norecopa was founded in 2007 and, as its name implies, is a member of ecopa, an umbrella organization that recognizes national platforms with equal representation of all four major stakeholder groups on its governing body: regulators, industry, academia and animal welfare organizations. Norecopa maintains a comprehensive website with global resources to promote the 3Rs, hosts the international Culture of Care Network website and also manages a Refinement Wiki where scientists and animal caregivers can post their ideas for improving animal research. 7-8 times a year, Norecopa also publishes a Newsletter with information on the latest advances in 3R field.


European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing

EUSAAT is an association of various interested persons, institutions, companies and organizations. It sees itself as the European 3R-platform and offers know-how, a comprehensive network and also supports corresponding training measures. In close cooperation with NGOs, scientific institutions and relevant companies, it develops and disseminates replacement and supplementary methods to animal experiments in order to implement them in practice.
EUSAAT is active in all areas of the life sciences that are directly or indirectly involved in animal testing. This also includes the chemical-pharmaceutical industry, the field of cosmetics, basic research and also the field of regulatory and thus legally prescribed tests.

Charité 3R

An infrastructure of Charité – University Medicine Berlin that wants to strengthen the implementation of the 3R-Principle in research and education.

The aim is to improve translational research and animal welfare. The fields of action of Charité 3R comprise the three pillars of communication, education & support and research. Charité 3R raises awareness of the 3R-Principles in the scientific community and provides transparent information about animal experiments and alternative methods. The pillar education & support aims to offer young researchers further training opportunities on alternative methods and to support researchers in applying the 3R-Principles. Through the research pillar, a wide range of scientific projects dealing with one or more of the 3Rs areas are funded through various funding lines.

WI3R – Würzburg Initiative 3R

Research for alternatives to animal testing

The Würzburg Initiative 3R (WI3R) unites the Bavarian activities in the field of 3R from science, regulatory authorities and industry and networks them with existing 3R centers in Germany, Europe and worldwide. In addition to providing high-quality alternatives to animal experiments, the research network will also be active in the field of science communication and further education.

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