The joint webinar series #Talking3RScience, organized by the 3R-Network Baden-Württemberg, offers a platform for interdisciplinary exchange on current 3R topics. In 20- to 30-minute presentations, experts provide thought-provoking insights, which are then explored further in interactive discussions with the audience.
In addition to scientists from Baden-Württemberg, we explicitly invite professionals and decision-makers with a scientific background from politics, regulatory agencies, industry, and ethics committees to actively participate in the discussions.
Through tandem presentations and panel discussions, we promote a holistic view of the topics from various perspectives, thereby strengthening the interdisciplinary character of the webinar series.
The #Talking3RScience webinars take place monthly on the last Thursday from 5 to 6 PM (CE(S)T.
Participation is free, and registration is available via our event calendar.