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Preclinical Innovation: Microphysiological Systems

Virtual Veranstaltung Virtual Veranstaltung

Prof. Peter Loskill, Head of the 3R Center Tübingen, will present innovative New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in the second session of the Preclinical Rethinking Webinar, with a particular focus on microphysiological...

IGLD Symposium

Kap Europa im Kongresshaus der Messe Frankfurt Osloer Str. 5, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Interdisziplinäre Plattform für Innovationen in Labor- und Durchflusszytometrie Das Symposium der Interdisziplinären Gruppe für Labor- und Durchflusszytometrie (IGLD) findet in diesem Jahr in Kooperation mit dem German Stem Cell Network...

Microphysiolocal Systems World Summit 2025

International MPS Society and EUROoCS , Belgium

Emulating Human Biology for Patients’ Benefit and a Safer Environment in the 21st Century and Beyond Microphysiological systems (MPS) are a groundbreaking bioengineering innovation that recreates organ architecture and function...


Megaron Athens International Conference Centre Leoforos Vasilissis Sofias & Kokkali 1, Athens, Greece

Toxicology Addresses Society’s Real-Life Risks for Sustainable Health and Well-being The EUROTOX 2025 Congress is the premier European event dedicated to toxicology, focusing on integrating scientific and technological advancements to...