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3R-Network BW Konference 2025: Ex vivo, de novo & in silico models in biomedical research

1. April - 2. April

This annual 3R-Network BW Conference will bring together leading experts, researchers, and industry professionals to explore cutting-edge advancements in the 3R principles (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement of animal testing) in biomedical research. This years conference is hosted by the 3R-BioMedicUS initiative and will take place on April 1-2, 2025, at the University of Stuttgart. Under the subtitle „Ex vivo, de novo & in silico models in biomedical research“, the conference will feature keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions focusing on innovative technologies and methodologies transforming preclinical research. These include:

  • Ex-vivo models: Utilizing patient-derived materials
  • De-novo models: Reconstructed tissues such as organoids, organ-on-chip systems, and other in vitro models
  • In-silico approaches: Computational and simulation-based methods

Attendees will gain valuable insights into how these advancements can enhance research outcomes, reduce reliance on animal models, and accelerate drug development.
For more details and to register, visit the official event page of the 3R-Netzwerk BW Konferenz 2025 Stay tuned for updates, and don’t forget to spread the word among your colleagues and students!

We look forward to meeting you in April 2025 in Stuttgart!